Product information "Solar Powerstation MBS800"

Complete solar station on a pallet. Energizer, earth pegs, batteries and solar panels in one. Ideal for remote areas, such as Natura 2000 areas, and temporary fencing. With the MBS800 it is no effort to provide power for fencing of up to 40 km. Theft is more difficult as the entire steel housing is live. This system is plug and play, connect the energizer, ram the earth pegs into the ground, and you're good to go!


Alu shield Solarstation: 3x
Bentonit Super Earthing Mix (6,5 kg): 1x
Earth clamp: 2x
Earth socket: 2x
Earth stake 1m: 3x
Energizer: MBS800
Joint Clamp angle with hex nut: 10x
Lead out Cable 2,5mm: 10m
Length x width x height (mm): 1200x1200x1500
Metal Box 1100x1200x1100mm:
Plastic Pallet 1200x1200mm:
VRLA Battery WPL120Ah-12RN: 2x
Victron BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 Solar charge controller:
Victron Smart Battery Protect BP-65:
i Series Energizer Controller: -
Weight (Kg): 156

Complete with:

EU Warning sign (universal)
  • Required by law
  • Highly visible sign
  • Tip: Every 50m 1 sign.

Digital Voltmeter
  • Easy to read due to large display
  • Including connected earth rod which ensures correct values

Earthstake 1,7m with earth clamp (1)
  • Galvanised
  • Excellent conductivity
  • 1,7m

Ground cable ø2.5mm (25 metres) - 35 Ohm/1km
  • Ideal for standard leadouts and undergate cabling
  • Soft coating with meter markings for ease of stripping
  • Suitable between earth pegs in earth system

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