Product information "Quickweigh kit 580/W0"

Quickweigh kit 580/W0

W- 0 Weigh Scale

Monitor livestock weights to gain insights into how your stock are performing. With simple installation, easy to use design and Bluetooth connectivity to the Gallagher Animal Performance mobile app the W- 0 Weigh Scale is the ideal solution for farmers wanting to start monitoring their livestock weights.

Record livestock weights from your W- 0 Weigh Scale straight to your Animal Performance mobile app in real time. You can also add a Gallagher Handheld EID reader* to scan animal ID numbers straight to the app, linking them to animal weights to track an individual?animal’s performance over its lifetime.

*Animal Performance Plus subscription required for EID scanning

1500kg Load Bars

Fit for purpose, low profile load bar that is suitable for weighing with cattle platforms and sheep crates. Widely used for weighing young cattle, lamb and sheep.

Made from hot- dip galvanised steel, these load bars provide a tough, yet portable solution that can weigh up to 1500kg loads. Designed to fit securely under most platforms up to 600mm wide, all you need from a load bar to start weighing.

Note: These loadbars are not suitable for installation under a cattle crush or chute.

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