Mobile electric fence posts

A mobile (or moveable) fence is a temporary fence that needs to be easy to erect and break down. The use of lightweight posts has definite advantages. For mobile fencing, there is a wide range of posts to choose from, which differ in height and application. The choice for a mobile fence post is also closely linked to the type of animal you want to keep. We have suitable mobile fence posts for every type of animal.

Horse post

The name says it all. This post has a stirrup thread to make installation quick and easy. Due to the unique twist and lock system, conductors can be easily installed. The horse posts are suited for cord, polywire, and tape up to 20mm. The wire holders are numbered, so you can efficiently place lines on the same height.

Vario post

A sturdy and durable plastic post. Easy to install and due to the unique twist and lock system it guarantees a simple and secure connection of the conductor. The Vario posts have 9 numbered wire holders, so your wire can be installed at whatever height you desire. The post is suited for polywire and tape up to 20mm. Check out all products here.

Ring top post

The Ring Top Post is the most popular option for dairy and cattle portable fences. With a head that won't wear through, a strong footplate that won't bend under pressure and a design that reduces tangling, this post combines more strength with less frustration. The maximum fence height is 0.80 metre.

Multiwire Ring top post

The Multi-wire Ring Top post has several movable insulators, making it easy to put up fencing at the required height. These fencing posts are also extremely suitable for fencing pastures with animals of different heights. The post has a patented top insulator that prevents the wire from wearing through. With a sturdy footplate, making the post easy to put up. The double ground pin makes the post extra stable after ramming it in.


Use the Smartfence to quickly and easily erect a multi wire fence. Posts, reels and conductors, all combined into one system. The system is easy to erect and takedown. The Smartfence is an unique system that incorparets 10 posts, 4 wires and a reel. 

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