Everything you need to know about electric fence insulators

The task of insulators is to isolate the conducting wire on which the current stands in relation to the earth. 
It prevents shorting and at the same time keeps creep currents to humidity and dirt deposit low.

The right insulator: Optimal guidance, minimal wear and tear

We often see different insulators being used interchangeably and are not always of the best quality. But did you know that using a good quality insulator can save you an awful lot of time? And that it also contributes to the optimal performance of your fence?

Each situation requires a different insulator. That's why we've worked out the most common ones for you so you can be sure you're working with the right solutions and tools for the most optimal and safe performance of your fence. To help you in the best possible way, we will take you through four common fencing situations.

Gallagher Tip:

For the safety of your animals and maintenance of your fence we advice to check our insulators at least twice per season.

Find insulators for:

Wooden post: tape fence

Find insulators for:

Wooden post: cord fence

Find insulators for:

Iron pole: vidoflex

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