Tensioning your conductor 

A properly tensioned fence is essential for a well-functioning fence. Immediately after installation or just after the fence has been in use for a while, conductors can sag.

Sagging conductors occur mainly because the wire expands due to heat or cold, animals lean against it, or posts move. Unfortunately, sagging conductors cannot be prevented sooner or later.

Regular checks

By carrying out regular checks and proper and timely maintenance, conductor sagging can be kept under control. Conductor sagging is an annoying situation, as it makes your fence less safe for your animals. They can get tangled in them. Moreover, it is not good for the quality of your fence.

Longer enjoyment from a stretched fence

The sagging of conductors causes them to move in the wind. This, in turn, causes wear and tear. This reduces the conduction of your wire and you will need to replace the conductors sooner. A well-tensioned fence is cheaper as it is then less likely to need replacing due to wear and tear.

Did you know?

If your conductor sags, that the breaking or tensile strength of your conductor no longer conforms to Gallagher's specifications? This increases the risk of injury to your animals. A clamped fence is always safer!

Which tensioner fits your conductor?

Gallagher has different types of tensioners in its range. The type of conductor you use (tape, rope, wire or aluminised wire) determines which tensioner(s) you should/can use. We have listed our tensioners for you on the basis of the type of conductor, so that you can see at a glance which tensioners apply to your fence.

Check out our tensioners

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