Product information "Multi strand gate kit, terra (4 conductors, 40mm, 6 metres)"

The multi strand gate kit is an easy and complete solution for safe and efficient passages in your horse paddock or riding arena. This system allows you to open and close all wires or tapes with one hand, while guiding your horse through the passages with the other. This is not only faster, but also prevents the wires from lying on the ground where your horse can step in.

At the bottom of the long handle is a pin, allowing you to stick it into the ground like a post. When the passage is open, there is no current on the tape. This means that if your horse accidentally touches or gets close to the tape, there is no risk of it panicking. After all, horses' legs are very sensitive, and they can sometimes feel a slight shock even through damp ground.

The set is easy to install yourself. The 40 mm tape can be cut to size, allowing you to create passages up to 6 metres wide. The gate set is designed so that the it is not live when opened. As a result, when closed, it does not pass current either. For this reason, it is recommended to always use a ground cable under the gate for conduction.