Waagen für Nutztiere

Die Waagen für Tiere von Gallagher sind die ersten auf dem Markt, die über integrierte EID-Lesegeräte verfügen, die den Wiegevorgang und die Erfassung der Daten Ihres Viehs vereinfachen.

Quality animal weighing scales 

Gallagher's weigh-scales for animals are the first on the market to have integrated EID readers that simplify the weighing process and the collection of data from your livestock. In addition, this offers major financial advantages:

  • Better prices due to hitting specification: With tighter controls over carcass weights and classification and pressure to lower carcass weights, you need to know the optimum time to send animals off the farm to get the best price/head. Only regular weighing lets you do this.
  • Better control of feed costs: If you know how fast animals are growing you can fine-tune the ration to optimise feed efficiency and cut back on the cost/kg of gain.
  • More accurate use of medicines: The dosage of many medicines is calculated on livestock weight. If you weigh animals you reduce the risk of over or under-dosing, ensuring the best response to the treatment and control costs.

Do you have questions about how the systems work, what the advantages are for your farm productivity, why it is worth the investment, or which system and components you need? Please view the blog, and don't hesitate to contact us at any time. Our team of experts is always happy to help.

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